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Wayzgoose Kitsap is all about helping artists share their voices and vision with the wider community. This year we are inviting two different groups to apply for the opportunity to carve and print their design: working artists and community groups.

We have a total of 12 printing slots, with 4 reserved for working artists and the remaining 8 available for community groups.
2022 Fall Campaign Photo (from 2019).png


1 - 2 individuals

All individuals who want to participate in Wayzgoose Kitsap should apply under the Working Artist category. Regardless of professional experience you will be treated as a working artist. 

Application Requirements: 

  • Name

  • Phone number and email

  • Previous experience with Wayzgoose Kitsap

  • Examples of previous work

  • Social media and/or website

Read on to learn more about the selections process. 


3 or more individuals

Wayzgoose Kitsap supports community groups to share their perspectives and messages through the creation of artwork. Groups that support youth and historically marginalized people will be given priority in the selection process. Please help us understand your experience/identity/representation in your application so that we can appropriately weigh your entry (see selections process for more details)

Group Applications Requirements:

  • Name of your group/Name of organization being represented

  • Name of main contact person

  • Contact phone number and email

  • Organization social media and/or website (ok to submit more than one handle/account) 

  • Names of committed group members (additional members may be added after the selection process), email & phone 

  • Video describing the organization the group is representing and discussing why the group is interested in participating in Wayzgoose 

    • If you would like to share anything about the diversity of your group or the organization that you represent, we would love to have that included

    • Please limit to 3 minutes and don’t overthink it - a cell phone video is great! 

Read on to learn more about the selections process. 

If accepted, you are expected to: 

  • Sign a letter of commitment: artist commitment letter

  • Sign the Licensing contract.

  • Attend at least 80% of the artist meet ups at WK-wide Round Tables (see schedule below) If you know you won’t be able to fully attend and be present with this process and community, please consider waiting to apply in the future. 

  • Statement about mutual promotion - we promote your artwork/business, you commit to referencing Wayzgoose Kitsap in any promotions, marking, posts that include the print work you developed during your time with Wayzgoose Kitsap. 

Each individual artist and all participants in the group will need to complete these documents: Licensing contract & artist commitment letter from.


We have a total of 12 printing slots, with 4 reserved for working artists and the remaining 8 available for community groups.


Working artists will be chosen based on a straight lottery system. Each individual will have 1 lottery entry for a chance to be selected as one of the 4 individual artists. 



For community group selection, we use a weighted lottery, since this helps to eliminate bias from the selection process while helping to give better odds to groups that have historically experienced barriers to participation in the arts. A weighted lottery gives better odds of being selected based on specific criteria. While we have explicitly identified youth and BIPOC representation as important to Wayzgoose Kitsap, we also want to acknowledge that other populations have been historically marginalized and recognize their experiences. 


Every group that applies is given a single entry in the lottery, with additional entries based on the participants in the group and the organizations that the group is representing. Lottery weights are based on:  

  • Youth representation

    • Groups that involve participants under 18 - 1 additional lottery entry

    • Groups that represent organizations primarily focused on supporting youth under 18 - 2 additional lottery entries OR

    • Groups that represent organizations primarily focused on supporting people under age 25 - 1 additional lottery entry

  • BIPOC representation

    • Groups that involve BIPOC participants - 2 additional lottery entries

    • Groups that represent organizations primarily focused on supporting BIPOC populations - 4 additional lottery entries

  • Other historically marginalized groups’ representation

    • Groups that represent organizations primarily focused on supporting historically marginalized groups - 2 additional lottery entries


In order to keep everyone up to speed on the lino carving and preparation process, and to build our community over these next few months, we are hosting a series of Round Tables. At these meetings we will provide training for each artist and artist group, along with updates about the festival, fundraising goals, etc. This will also be a time when Wayzgoose Kitsap organizers meet to get fundraising, marketing and administrative work done, in addition to festival planning work. We’re hoping to have a blast at each Round Table, and hope to get to know each artist a little better every time we meet up. 


Dates are: (All Saturdays, from 1-4pm) 

  • February 8th - Round Table #1

  • February 22nd - Round Table #2

  • March 8th - Round Table #3

  • March 22nd - Round Table #4

  • April 5th - Round Table #5

  • April 19th - Round Table #6

  • May 3rd - Round Table #7

  • May 17th - Round Table #8

  • May 31st - Final Festival Prep Work Party

  • June 7th - THE FESTIVAL 

  • June 14th - Festival Recap Meeting

For Artist Groups, we recommend and encourage as much participation from as many group members as possible. Attendance at these meetings helps to build community between groups and within them. Plus, we want to provide you with as much support as we can while you work at your own group’s pace. (We recommend at least 50% of your group attend at least 6 of the 8 meet-ups.)


As Wayzgoose Kitsap is a 501(c)3 and we are tasked with fundraising to keep our work going, this year we are providing each Artist Group with their own group fundraising page. This will be a fun new way to get groups to engage their own circles of supporters and friends and family in the community. More information about fundraising goals and the whole process will be provided at upcoming Round Table meetups (see below). Individual/Working Artists are not expected to fundraise this year. 

If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to us here

602 Pacific Ave #1317, Bremerton WA 98337

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